Detox, Buprenorphine Used In Treatment, Alcohol Detoxification, Benzodiazepines Detoxification, Cocaine Detoxification, Methamphetamines Detoxification, Opioids Detoxification, Use Methadone Buprenorphine For Pain Management Or Emergency Dosing, Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Inpatient Drug Rehab, Inpatient Detoxification
Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention, Substance Abuse Counseling Approach
Cash Or Self Payment, Private Health Insurance
Acupuncture, Assistance With Obtaining Social Services, Breath Analyzer Or Blood Alcohol Testing, Case Management, Comprehensive Substance Abuse Assessment, Drug Or Alcohol Urine Screening, Discharge Planning, HIV or AIDS education counseling Or Support, Individual Counseling Offered, The Joint Commission, Substance Abuse Education, Screening For Hepatitis B, Screening For Hepatitis C, Screening For Mental Health Disorders, Screening For Substance Abuse, State Substance Abuse Agency, Std Testing, Transportation Assistance, TB Screening
Young Adults, Adults
Female, Male