Rehab Centers in Winnetka

Drug Rehab Centers that Accept Medicaid in Winnetka

Josselyn Center
405 Central Avenue, Winnetka, IL 60093

Josselyn Center is a rehab program providing services in and around Cook County.

They provide a wide range of services, settings and treatment approaches such as:Psychotropic Medication, Community Mental Health Center, Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

They offer special programs that are tailored to unique individual needs such as: Family Psychoeducation.

If you are interested in attending or using one of the services offered by Josselyn Center, they accept the following payment types: Cash Or Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Health Insurance Plan Other Than Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, State Mental Health Agency Funds, State Welfare Or Child And Family Services Funds, Other State Funds, County Or Local Government Funds, Community Service Block Grants, Payment Assistance

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Facilities in Winnetka, IL

In case you abusing substances like alcohol and drugs in Winnetka, they can prove effective at managing - albeit in the short term - the symptoms of your mental health disorder. This form of self-medication, however, can be dangerous because it can lead to addiction.

The temporary relief that you derive from these substances could soon be overtaken by other negative physical and psychological effects. Eventually, you may even find that you have started struggling with more of the common mental health problems that are linked with drug and alcohol addiction.

Suicidal Behavior

Although every instance of suicidal behavior is dramatically different, there are some common causes of this type of destructive behavior. Although no single cause might be responsible, some factors might contribute to it.

These factors include suicidal thoughts, previous suicide attempts, substance abuse, depression, a family history of suicide, previous incarceration, presence of harmful objects in the home environment, and violent behavior.

Irrespective of the factors that apply to you, having suicidal thoughts is a dangerous and precarious situation. If you find yourself in this situation, you should seek help immediately before you harm yourself.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

If you went through a traumatic experience, your brain would start producing endorphins in lower quantities. These chemicals are responsible for helping you to feel comfortable and happy.

As a result, you might find yourself turning to mood-enhancing drugs and alcohol to ensure that your brain produces these endorphins in higher levels. Over time, however, you will start relying on these substances to deal with the additional feelings of irritability, anxiety, and depression arising from your post-traumatic stress disorder. This is how you will soon find that you are also living with addiction over and above the PTSD condition.

A dual diagnosis treatment program can help you understand the reasons behind your substance abuse and addiction as well as how this disorder is affected and continues to affect the other co-occurring behavioral and mental health disorders that you have also been diagnosed with.

This type of treatment would most likely be highly specialized and integrated. This is because it has to manage all the disorders that you have been struggling with at the same time - or simultaneously. It is recommended that you go through dual diagnosis treatment if you have been living with both addiction as well as any other co-occurring medical or mental health disorders.

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