McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys Inc is a rehab program providing services in and around Worcester County.
They provide a wide range of services, settings and treatment approaches such as:Psychotropic Medication, Residential Treatment Center For Children, Activity Therapy.
They offer special programs that are tailored to unique individual needs such as: Children With Serious Emotional Disturbance.
If you are interested in attending or using one of the services offered by McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys Inc, they accept the following payment types: Medicaid, State Mental Health Agency Funds, State Welfare Or Child And Family Services Funds, State Corrections Or Juvenile Justice Funds, State Education Funds, Other State Funds, County Or Local Government Funds
Dual diagnosis is a common occurrence in Leicester, as in the rest of the country. Although this condition covers a wide variety of substance abuse and mental health disorders, suffering from a particular mental illness could increase your susceptibility to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Examples of these mental illness that could eventually lead to addiction include major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, personality disorders, conduct disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and suicidal ideation and actions, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Research studies have shown that substance addiction is linked to suicidal behavior. In particular, if you abuse drugs and drink alcohol excessively, there is a high risk that you might experience suicidal tendencies and thoughts. On the other hand, if you are prone to these tendencies, you might start abusing these substances to manage the symptoms of your mental health disorder.
To ensure that you do not suffer from these disorders - or end up taking your own life - it is recommended that you seek help from a dual diagnosis treatment facility. This could lead you down the road to full recovery.
In case you are living with obsessive compulsive disorder, you might be struggling with obsessions. Some of these common obsessions include having a fear of getting sick, bacteria, viruses, and germs. You might also be obsessed over good and bad numbers. Further, you could experience intrusive thoughts of harm towards yourself or others.
In other situations, there is a risk that you might be obsessed with religious topics and thoughts that you consider to be blasphemous. However, images of sex and sexual acts might also intrude your mind, or you may have an unfounded fear of losing loved ones to illnesses and injuries.
There are highly qualified dual diagnosis treatment programs available today. These programs are suitable if you have been diagnosed with both a mental health disorder as well as a substance use disorder or an addiction.
The treatment services provided by these programs are highly effective and integrated. This is because you need them to manage all the disorders that you have been struggling with at the same time so that none of them aggravates the other or causes you to suffer a relapse or a recurrence of any of these disorders.